学术报告201008-英国巴斯大学物理系Paul. G. Coleman教授学术报告通知


英国巴斯大学物理系Paul. G. Coleman教授学术报告
1Positron spectroscopies and their application to semiconductors 518(星期二)上午9
2Positron studies of defects in semiconductors 521星期五)下午2
报告人:Dr. Paul. G. Coleman, Department of Physics, University of Bath, Bath, UK
Dr. Paul G. Coleman简介:
      Professor Paul Coleman has performed pioneering experimental research into near-surface vacancy-type defects in semiconductors using slow positron beams since the early days of the field, working at University College London, The University of Texas at Arlington, The University of East Anglia and the University of Bath. In recent years he has collaborated on an increasing number of projects with researchers from many UK and overseas institutions and companies, and is currently visit co-ordinator for EU FP6 project CADRES. EPSRC-supported research on defects created by ion implantation led to the design and construction of a positron defect spectrometer for wider application in academia and industry. Recent funded research has focused on the electrical and structural properties of thin high-k oxide films and the development of a spin-polarised positron beam for probing magnetic structures. Prof. Coleman has published 168 journal papers and reviews and over 60 conference papers. He has co-organised five international conferences and served on advisory and programme committees of fourteen others. He edited and contributed to the book Positron Beams and their Applications and recently contributed a chapter on Positron Spectroscopy to the Wiley Encyclopedia of Applied Spectroscopy.
Five examples of his research are to be found in the following papers:
“Measurement of Energy Spectrum of Secondary Electrons Ejected from Solids by Positron Impact”
N. Overton and P. G. Coleman,   Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 305 (1997)
 “Fluorine in silicon: Diffusion, trapping, and precipitation”
X. D. Pi, CP Burrows, PG Coleman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 155901 (2003 )
“Monovacancy and Interstitial Migration in Ion-Implanted Silicon”
P.G. Coleman and C.P. Burrows, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 265502 (2007)
D.A. Abdulmalik and P.G. Coleman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100,, 095503(2008)
“Coupling between positron-atom scattering channels above the first inelastic threshold”
P.G. Coleman, N. Cheesman and E.R. Lowry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 172, 173201 (2009).