美国西弗吉尼亚大学宋雪雁(Xueyan Song)博士学术报告通知




报告题目:Advanced Functional Ceramics for Energy Applications

报告人:Associate Prof. Xueyan SongWest Virginia University, USA

报告时间: 20141212日(星期五)下午14:00




报告摘要:Advanced functional ceramics have been indispensable to improve the sustainability of our energy infrastructure. During this seminar, Dr. Song will briefly introduce the research from her group on functional ceramics, such as high temperature solid oxide fuel cells and thermoelectric oxide.  In addition, in-depth analysis on the materials atomic structure and chemistry using state-of-the-art microscopy will be presented. Examples of microscopy analysis include grain boundaries and nanoprecipitates in the functional ceramic materials.  



  Dr. Xueyan Song is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University. Dr. Song received her Ph.D degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Zhejiang University & Beijing Laboratory of Electron Microscopy of CAS (Supervised by Prof. Yongquan Lei and Prof. Ze Zhang). Before joining West Virginia University in August 2008, she spent eight years doing research in the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as a Research Associate and then a Research Scientist. Dr. Song is a materials scientist with research interests centered primarily in energy related material systems for energy generation, energy conversion and energy transmission. Dr. Song’s current research interest and projects include thermoelectric materials and devices, solid oxide fuel cells, refractory materials, ceramic gas sensors, superconductors, and compound semiconductors. At West Virginia University, Dr. Song has received research funding of $3.3 million from different US Federal Agencies including National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and Army Research Laboratory. Dr. Song also received various awards including the most prestigious CAREER awards from National Science Foundation. Dr. Song has over 60 peer-reviewed Journal publications, including highly cited publications in Nature, Nature Materials, and Nano Letters.


      欢迎广大有兴趣的师生参加!Dr. Song课题组愿意提供奖学金招收我校材料和化学专业优秀毕业生攻读博士和硕士学位(需提供TOEFLGRE成绩)。