

报告主题:Biomimetic Composites for Orthopaedics and Dentistry
报告人:Prof Bo Su
时间:20160325(周五)   9:30
邀请人:彭华新 教授,王小祥 教授
Prof. Bo Su,英国布里斯托大学(University of Bristol) 生物材料学教授,牙科学院生物工程材料研究组(Biomaterials Engineering Group) 领头人。获英国伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)材料学博士,曾在英国牛津大学,帝国理工学院,及伯明翰大学从事访问和博士后研究,并荣获英国工程及物理科学研究委员会高级研究员大奖 (EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship)目前已在国际权威性学术刊物上共发表文章一百余篇,国际专利两项,专著一篇。近年来受资助科研项目四十余项,总金额超三百万英镑。主要研究兴趣包括:生物材料制造与表面工程; 细胞及微生物与表面微纳米形貌相互作用;仿生生物植入材料及组织工程材料;仿生牙科材料。近期研究项目包括:仿形陶瓷及陶瓷微加工;生物陶瓷(玻璃)及其复合材料;电纺丝天然高分子纳米纤维伤口敷料及组织工程骨架材料;可降解生物陶瓷/镁基复合材料;陶瓷/金属和陶瓷/聚合物仿生骨科及牙科复合材料;仿生抗菌材料及表面;智能纳米表面钛基牙科及骨科植入材料等。
AbstractNatural materials such as human teeth and bones have remarkable mechanical properties. However, nature grows these biological materials from a bottom-up approach using a biologically controlled self-assembly process. In this talk, I will discuss a top-down approach from a powder processing route for the fabrication of hierarchically structured ceramic/polymer or metal/polymer composites to offer cost-effective engineering solutions for potential applications in orthopaedics and dentistry. Freeze casting technique was used to create such hierarchical structures in metals (e.g. Ti) and ceramics (e.g. alumina). Biomimetic composites were produced with infiltration of polymers or hydrogels. The composites possess anisotropic, graded and interpenetrating multi-phase microstructures with performance surpassing conventional monolithic and isotropic materials currently used in clinic.