



【报告题目】Silicon Nanostructures for Biological and Energy Applications





李述汤院士长期从事纳米功能材料及器件、有机光电子材料及显示器件以及金刚石和相关超硬薄膜的研究。其主要研究成果“金刚石及新型碳基材料的成核与生长”、“氧化物辅助合成一维半导体纳米材料及应用”和“高效光/电转换的新型有机光功能材料”先后荣获德国洪堡基金会研究成就奖(Humboldt Research Award)和香港裘槎基金会高级研究成就奖(Croucher Senior Research Fellowship),并于2003年、2005年、2013年三次荣获国家自然科学二等奖(前二次第一完成人,第三次第二完成人)。2008年获何梁何利基金科技进步奖。

在国际化学、物理、材料等领域的著名期刊发表学术论文1,000余篇,撰写专著9部,获美国专利20余项,论文被他人引用超过40,000次,H-index达到104。其中有6篇研究论文发表在著名的《科学》(美国)和《自然》(英国)期刊,另有数十篇学术论文以封面文章的形式发表。成功入选汤森路透公司(Thomson Reuters)公布的2015年全球高引用科学家(Highly Cited Researchers 2015)名录(材料学)、2015全球最有影响力科学思想科学家名录(World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds 2015)(材料学)。

李院士是《ACS Nano》和《Diamond & Related Materials》副总编辑,《Nano Research》、《National Science Review》和《New Carbon Materials》编辑委员会委员,以及《Advanced Functional Materials》和《Applied Nanoscience》顾问委员会委员。            


Silicon nanostructures are an important class of nanomaterials with great potential for technologies for wide-ranging applications, because of their many unique properties, such as biocompatibility, abundance, and unique electronic/optical/mechanical properties, among others, enabled by the small size and large surface-to-bulk ratio. Because of these attractive traits, and in parallel with a growing interest in their design and synthesis, silicon nanostructures are extensively investigated for applications in renewable energy and biotechnology.

In this talk, we first introduce our representative works on the developments of silicon nanostructures as a new, powerful platform for biological and biomedical applications, including biosensor, bioimaging, and cancer therapy. We next describe our recent efforts to develop the unique properties of Si nanostructures for solar energy conversion applications. This talk will highlight our systematic research on Si nanostructures for biological/biomedical and renewable energy applications.