学术报告201728-Rene Vacher教授学术报告会


报告主题:Some Fundamentals in Materials Science Physics
The purpose is to summarize the basis of our understanding on the structure and vibrations in crystals and glasses. The presentation is divided in three lectures :
1. Crystal structure and vibrations. The structure : primitive cell and crystal lattice, reticular planes. Structure investigation by diffraction of X-rays and neutrons : wavelength, wavevector, Bragg diffraction. Crystal dynamics : defining the vibrations, elastic waves in solids, optic modes, modes in 3d, Brillouin zone.
2. Structure of glasses. Definition of glasses : glass formation, glass transition, kinetic behaviour. Structure of glasses : continuous random network, local order, radial description of disordered structures. X-ray diffraction in glasses : power spectrum of X-rays, Debye relation, mono- and poly-atomic structures, comparison with neutrons.
3. What can we learn from vibrations in glasses ? How to investigate them ? Inelastic scattering of light, x-rays and neutrons. Structure and properties : structure from Raman scattering, elastic properties from Brillouin scattering.
René Vacherwas born in 1943. He is Emeritus Director of Research at the French « Centre National de la RechercheScientifique (CNRS) ». He has been working in the field of Physics of glasses for more than 40 years. His main research activities concern the structure, the vibrational dynamics, and the elastic properties of glasses. He is also well known for his contributions to the Brillouin spectroscopy of light in solids, to the inelastic neutron spectroscopy of glasses, and to the structure and dynamics of aerogels.
He is co-author of 150 papers in journals with peer review and chapters in books, and 70 articles in conference proceedings. He has directed 15 PhD. students.
He was director of the « Laboratory of glasses » in Montpellier, France, from 1982 to 1998, head of Physics department from 1999 to 2002 at the University of Montpellier. From 1992 to 1999, he was director of the “CNRS Glass Physics Research Group”.
He was chairman of the conference « Glass Odyssey », annual meeting of the International Commission of Glasses (ICG) in 2002 and of the « Third European Conference on Neutron Scattering » in 2003, in Montpellier. He chaired the scientific committee of the Internal Congress on Glass held in 2007 in Strasbourg, France. From 2009 to 2016, he was chairman of the Coordinating Technical Committee of the International Commission on Glass.