

 报告题目:Carbon – the New PlatinumGraphene Frameworks and Porous Structures for Electrochemical Functionalities

报告人: 英国伦敦大学学院郭正晓教授
邀请人: 潘洪革教授
Global catalyst market is current over $20b, growing at 3-5% per annum. Carbon / graphene -based materials offer great scope for chemical / electrochemical /photochemical energy storage and catalysis, while the exceptional physical and mechanical properties are also utilised. Such functionalities can be effectively tuned by means of atomic doping, defect control, inter-layer spacing, porosity architecturing, and hybridisation with other nanostructures. The focus here is to demonstrate how those approaches can be effectively engineered to the development of storage materials for hydrogen, methane and CO2, and of electrochemical catalysts for oxygen reduction and/or evolution reactions (ORR or OER), which underpins the costs and stability of rechargeable metal–air batteries and regenerative fuel cells – the energy conversion / storage technologies for portable devices, electric vehicles and the smart grid. Our systematic development firstly demonstrates the enrichment of N-doping and graphene/ graphitic carbon-nitride intercalation are effectively for enabling rapid four-electron transfer process in ORR, and then switching of ORR and OER by single heat-treatment of a metal-organic-framework. Finally by closely coupling theory and experiment, we show the most effective catalytic sites in phosphorus-nitrogen co-doped graphene frameworks (PNGF), and then engineered the synthetic formulations to enrich such sites. The developed electrocatalysts show highly efficient bifunctionality for both ORR and OER. This design strategy, synthesis approach and the efficient catalysts offer great opportunities for the development of highly cost-effective energy storage technologies on a large scale.
 Dr. Zhengxiao-Guo, Professor of Materials Chemistry at University College London (UCL). His group focuses on integrated theoretical and experimental approaches for the design and development of highly functional atomic clusters, nanostructures and materials, as well as their synthesis processes. He has contributed over 230 high-quality journal publications and over 300 conference papers/presentations for aerospace, biomedical, energy and environmental applications, e.g. in Energy & Environmental Sciences (5), Advanced (Funct/Energy) Materials (6), Nano Letters (2), Phys. Rev. Letters (PRL),Angew. Chemie Inter Ed, Chemical Science, Chemistry of Materials, and invited reviews in Progress in Materials Science (2) and Chem. Soc. Review. He was awarded the Beilby Medal for “Working Theory for Industry”.
       Professor Guo has also made strong contributions to international engagement. He was the “Focal-Point” for UK-China collaborations in Nanotechnology & Materials Science (2009-2012), appointed by the UK Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Foreign Commonwealth Office; Overseas expert advisor to the Overseas Chinese Office of the State Council, China, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is Fellow of RSC and a Member of the RSC Publishing Board, overseeing RSC publication strategy. He has overseen UCL’s strategic interactions with the great China region (the mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau) as a Pro- (Vice) Provost (2008-2016), and as UCL’s China Ambassador (2016-).