




报告题目:Design and Development of Nanomaterials with Controlled Immunostimulatory Effects for Biomedical Applications



报告摘要:Engineered nanobiomaterials (ENMs) are rapidly emerging as a new class of materials that allow tuning of their physicochemical properties for biomedical applications. With the exposure of ENMs to biological entities, the first barrier they encounter is the immune system, which plays very important roles in both human health and disease development. However, the mechanisms by which ENMs could generate immunostimulatory effects at the nano-bio interface are still not fully understood. In light of this, my research focuses on immunoengineering, which involves developing ENMs with tunable physicochemical properties, investigating the interaction of ENMs with immune systems, and further customizing their applications in vaccine adjuvant development.

个人简介:孙冰冰,教授、博士生导师。20022005 年在大连理工大学化学工程系获得学士、硕士学位,2011年于美国华盛顿大学化学工程系获得博士学位,2011-2016年在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院及加州大学纳米技术环境影响中心从事博士后研究工作,2016 入职大连理工大学化工学院。研究方向包括生物材料、纳米材料-生物界面、疫苗佐剂、纳米材料生物安全性、以及环境污染物的评价与预防等研究。