德州仪器 Texas Instruments 2021春季校园招聘


玉泉永谦活动中心第一报告厅 2021-04-13  18:00






德州仪器 Texas Instruments





       美国德州仪器公司(Texas Instruments) 是世界上最大的半导体公司之一,致力于打造一个更智能、更安全、更环保、更健康以及更精彩的生活。为了实现我们的愿景,我们需要创新、独特、有想法的人。而您,正是我们需要的人才。



       加入TI,您可以与世界最先进的半导体科技零距离接触,并发挥领袖作用——作为世界上最大的半导体公司之一,TI的模拟、嵌入式处理和无线技术已经渗透到人们日常生活的方方面面。您打出的每一通电话、进行的每一次网络连接、拍的每一张相片、看的每一场电影,TI技术都蕴含其中。 自1986年进入中国以来,TI与国内众多知名厂商紧密合作,有效提升了中国电子产业核心技术水平,缩短了产业化进程,加快与国际技术同步的产品进入市场。2010年TI在中国成都设立首个在中国大陆的生产制造基地,2014年11月,TI全球第七个封装测试厂在成都高新区正式开业投产。与此同时,TI宣布将在中国成都设立300mm晶圆凸点加工厂。这将使成都成为TI唯一集晶圆制造、封装、测试于一体的制造基地,将资源进一步贴近了中国。2011年4月TI启动了位于上海浦东机场综合保税区的产品分拨中心,将使产品配送至中国客户手中的等待时间减少一半。

       加入TI,与最优秀的人共同成长,并启发下一代创新者——TI拥有全球顶尖人才,锐意创新,引领技术前沿。TI多年来不断推进数字信号解决方案、嵌入式处理与模拟技术的大学计划,以配合中国工程院校教育和研究项目,至今德州仪器在中国600多个大学建立了超过3,000个数字信号处理、模拟及微控制器实验室,每年有超过30, 000名学生在TI实验室训练,还有数万名学生参与TI主办的大学生设计竞赛,进一步促进了产学研的结合。


       加入TI,您可以成为TI志愿者中的一员,从而成为融入社区,服务社会的典范——TI鼓励员工成为TI公益事业的一员,并利用自身的技术背景为偏远地区学生的电子科学启蒙出谋划策,设计系列课件和电子教具并亲自授课。由TI发起的公益助学课程“TI魔力芯动课堂”已经在TI希望小学中开展, 并将作为长期项目在更多TI多媒体教室所在学校以及TI在中国各分支机构所在社区的学校中授课。







HRDP 人力资源培训生(限2019-2021届毕业生)

About TI


Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) is a global semiconductor design and manufacturing company that develops analog ICs and embedded processors. By employing the world’s brightest minds, TI creates innovations that shape the future of technology. TI is helping about 100,000 customers transform the future, today. Were committed to building a better future  from the responsible manufacturing of our semiconductors, to caring for our employees, to giving back inside our communities and developing great minds. Put your talent to work with us  change the world, love your job!


About the HR development program:

As a member of our global human resources (HR) team, you will work with leaders across the company to help ensure that TI has the talent and capabilities needed to win in the highly competitive and dynamic semiconductor market. As strategic partners, HR plays a critical role in the company’s success, and you will, too.
Are you trying to decide between being a specialist or a generalist? Our program gives you the opportunity to explore both 
 one as an HR business partner and the other in a specialist role (recruiting, compensation, development, employee relations, etc.). 
At the end of this program, you
ll join one of TIs Human Resources teams and will be well positioned for important senior roles across the organization. In fact, many of our senior HR leaders began their careers at TI by joining our HR Development Program.



Our HR teams work on important activities across a variety of business and functional issues – all of which align HR strategies to support business goals and objectives by working closely with the business group to assess HR needs, then develop and implement innovative solutions that drive organizational and operational excellence. Some of these activities include analyzing TIs market competitiveness, developing communication strategies to help managers be better leaders, improving recruiting and marketing efforts, identifying high potential talent and implementing development plans, developing key training modules, planning for long-term talent needs, and much more.


In this program, you will be immersed in job assignments from the start in positions that are critical to our business success. This is coupled with opportunities for formal learning, networking with peers and senior leaders, as well as on-the-job project opportunities to give you experience in nearly every HR function.



·         Minimum requirements:
Minimum BS /BA degree in Business, Human Resources or Liberal Arts (candidates with no more than 2-year working experience and fresh out are both acceptable 


·         Preferred qualifications:
Demonstrated strong analytical and problem solving skills
Strong written and verbal communication skills
Ability to work in teams and collaborate effectively with people in different functions
Strong time management skills that enable on-time project delivery
Demonstrated ability to build strong, influential relationships
Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced and rapidly changing environment
Ability to take the initiative and drive for results
Self-motivated individuals with sound decision-making capabilities


Texas Instruments will not sponsor job applicants for visas or work authorization for this position.


To be considered for this position, please apply.


Texas Instruments is an equal opportunity employer and supports a diverse, inclusive work environment. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to protected characteristics, including race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or age.


美国德州仪器公司(Texas Instruments) 是世界上最大的半导体公司之一,致力于打造一个更智能、更安全、更环保、更健康以及更精彩的生活。为了实现我们的愿景,我们需要创新、独特、有想法的人。而您,正是我们需要的人才