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    Storing Energy, Riding Wind and Waves ——2020 English Course "Introduction to Energy Storage"

    Editor: Date:2020-08-17 Hits:5

    In order to further enhance the international vision of undergraduates, improve their English understanding and expression skills, and lay the foundation for future energy storage-related courses and clarify research directions, the School of Materials Science and Engineering invited Nanyang Technological University from August 1 to August 8, 2020 Professor Alex Yan (Yan Qingyu) brings an all-English course-Introduction to Energy Storage to the 2019 undergraduates of the college. Affected by the epidemic, this exchange was conducted online, but the epidemic could not stop the students' desire for knowledge. The wonderful course ended successfully for 8 days, attracting 45 undergraduates from the School of Materials Science and Engineering to sign up.

    The students listened carefully to the course in eight days, actively participated in online discussions, and gained a lot.