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    Group Birthday Party of Department of Materials

    Editor: Date:2019-01-25 Hits:3

    On January 25th, 2019. From January to February, the staff’s collective birthday party of Department of Materials was held in Yuanwang Pavilion exchange bar of Cao Guangbiao Building. There are 17 birthday stars participating in this activity. They wear birthday hats and wish each other with excitement and joy.

    The birthday party began with the warm and cheerful opening remarks of the host Liu Yanhui. On behalf of the college, President Han Gaorong expressed his gratitude to the birthday teachers for their contribution to the development of the college. In 2018, the Department of Materials has made great progress in various undertakings, which is inseparable from the hard work of all teachers. Happy birthday to all the teachers, happy every day and live a healthy life. On behalf of the trade union, Wu Jinming, chairman of the trade union, wishes the birthday stars a new year, a new atmosphere and a high career.

    The lights of the whole hall are fading. The candle light on the birthday cake reflects the emblem of the Department of Materials. Everyone sings birthday songs together. After cutting the cake, fruit and joy, everyone can share their life and ideals.

    After tasting the birthday cake, Dr. Lu Peilin, an expert in the Department of Neurology of Shaw Hospital of Zhejiang University, gave us a professional and practical health lecture and taught us the medical knowledge of stroke prevention.

    The birthday party was held in the spare time of the teachers’ intense work, which made the birthday guests feel the warmth of the big family of the school of materials and the care of their colleagues! At the same time, we will also reserve daily health care and medical knowledge. I wish the teachers of the school of materials happy work and happy life!