关于加拿大 Xerox 公司 Beng Ong 博士学术报告的通知

发布者:系统管理员审核:niml 作者:niml终审:发布时间:2006-09-18浏览次数:7008

报告人:    Dr. Beng Ong

Senior Fellow, Xerox Innovation Group
Xerox Corporation,
Manager, Advanced Materials & Printed Electronics,
Xerox Research Centre of Canada

报告题目: Enabling Materials for Ubiquitous Flexible Electronics

时  间: 9 21 ( 周四 ) 上午 9:30 ~ 11:00

地  点:曹光彪大楼材化学院会议室(326室)





Abstract of the lecture

Silicon transistor circuits are wonderful for numerous electronic applications, but for many large-area and ultra low-cost electronic devices which do not require silicon’s high switching speeds, they may become unjustifiably costly. Printed transistor circuits, which can potentially be mass-manufactured on flexible substrates using simple liquid deposition techniques, offer an appealing approach to creating a new generation of ubiquitous flexible electronics.

This lecture discusses the materials technologies for printed transistors, focusing on the issues, challenges, and recent advances in materials development for this emerging technology. Our studies and progress in materials design to enable printed transistor circuits will be presented.


Beng Ong博士简介

 Beng Ong is a Senior Fellow of Xerox Corporation and Manager of Advanced Materials and Printed Electronics at Xerox Research Centre of Canada. He is also an Adjunct Professor at McMaster Univesrity and University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada as well as a Fellow at Shanghai JiaoTong University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Chemistry from McGill University, Canada and spent two years as a Research Fellow at Harvard University before joining Xerox. His research interests are wide-ranging, from molecularly engineered compounds for reprography, document security and authentication to nanostructured materials for printed electronics. Beng Ong is a prolific innovator at Xerox, with a patent portfolio of about 130 US patents and numerous foreign patent equaivalents in Europe and Asia. He has published over 60 papers in international journals and was recently named to the pretigious Scientific American Top-50 as the Business Leader in Chemicals and Materials.