报告题目:What kind of material bonds to living bone?
报告人:小久保正(Tadashi Kokubo) 教授
时 间: 2006年10月15日(周日)上午9:00~11:00
地 点:曹光彪大楼材化学院会议室(326室)
主持人:翁文剑 教授
小久保正教授在活性金属材料和生物陶瓷材料的研究和应用方面做出了卓有成效的工作,他发明了目前在科研和临床实践中普遍采用的人体仿生液(SBF)、高强度生物活性非晶陶瓷,提出了生物活性金属的概念等,在国际上得到同行的广泛认同。1991年,通过日本政府正式批准,临床骨疾病治疗中已经有10,000多名患者采用了小久保正教授发明的生物活性非晶陶瓷作为骨替代物。1998年小久保正教授获欧洲生物材料协会George Winter奖,是获该奖的唯一非欧洲籍科学家。小久保正教授至今已发表论文550篇,申请专利80项,撰写了170多部关于生物医学材料方面的出版物。现任Biomaterials、Bioceramic、Journal of Materials Science in Medicine、Journal of Biomedical Materials Research等杂志的编委。
1. Solutions able to reproduce in vivo surface-structure changes in bioactive glass-ceramic A-W, T. Kokubo et al, Journal of Biomedical materials Research, 24(1990)721-734. 被引用396次
2. Ca, P-rich layer formed on high-strength bioactive glass-ceramic A-W,T. Kokubo, Journal of Biomedical materials Research, 24(1990)331-343. 被引用131次
3. Preparation of bioactive Ti and its alloys via simple chemical surface treatment, Kokubo et al, Journal of Biomedical materials Research, 32(1996)409-417. 被引用119次
4. Spontaneous formation of bonelike apatite layer on chemically treated titanium metals, T. Kokubo et al, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 79(1996)1127-1129. 被引用113次
5. Surface Chemistry of Bioactive Glass-Ceramics, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 120(1990) 138-151. 被引用110次
6. Novel bioactive materials with different mechanical properties, Biomateirals, 24(2003)2161-2175. 被引用105次
7. Bioactive glass ceramics: properties and applications,T. Kokubo, Biomaterials, 12(1991)155-163. 被引用98次
8. Effect of heat treatment on apatite-forming ability of Ti metal induced by alkali treatment, T. Kokubo et al, Journal of Materials Science-Materials In Medicine, 8 (1997)341-347. 被引用93次
9. Apatite- and Wollastonite-Containing Glass-Ceramics for Prosthetic Application, T. Kokubo, Bull Inst Chem Res Kyoto Univ, 60(1982)260–268. 被引用85次
10. Mechanical properties of a new type of apatite-containing glass-ceramic for prosthetic application, T. Kokubo, Journal of Materials Science, 20(1985)2001-2004. 被引用68次
11. Apatite formation on three kinds of bioactive material at an early stage in vivo: a comparative study by transmission electron microscopy, T. Kokubo et al, Journal of Biomedical materials Research, 27(1993)999-1006. 被引用66次
12. Apatite formation on surface of ceramis, metals and polymers in body environment, Acta Materialia, 46(1998)2519-2527. 被引用63次
13. TEM-EDX study of mechanism of bonelike apatite formation on bioactive titanium metal in simulated body fluid, Journal of Biomedical materials Research, 57(2001)441-448. 被引用33次