关于英国Leeds大学Animesh Jha教授学术报告的通知

发布者:系统管理员审核:niml 作者:niml终审:发布时间:2006-11-17浏览次数:5281

报告题目:a) Spectroscopic properties of rare-earth doped hosts and their applications
 b) Opportunities for research and PG training at Leeds
报 告 人:英国University of Leeds Prof. Animesh Jha
时    间:20061122日下午3:00
地    点:曹光彪大楼326会议室
联系电话:88925079 87952234
联 系 人:邱建荣教授
Prof. Animesh Jha简介:
Dr. Animesh Jha is now the Principal Investigator of a recently Platform Grant on Micro and Nano-scale Engineering, Fabrication, and Characterisation of photonic, electronic, and electro-optic materials, which started on 1st October 2004. He is also Chair of the Institute for Material Research, University of Leeds. He won DTI Smart and Smart Development Awards in 1999 and 2000.
His current research projects in the area of Photonic Materials, Novel Devices and Optical Fibres are Erbium doped waveguide Amplifiers, RE-doped Glass Fibres for Broadband Amplifiers, Pulsed laser deposition and Laser Lift-off of Barium Strontium titanate for waveguide and microwave devices etc.