关于MSC公司Pei Gu博士学术报告的通知

发布者:系统管理员审核:niml 作者:niml终审:发布时间:2006-12-13浏览次数:5887

报告题目:Failures in Polymer Matrix Composites under Transverse Thermal Gradients – Analysis and Design Aspects for Fire Protection.
报 告 人: Pei Gu
Engineer in MSC Software Corporation,
Post doctorate in University of California.
报告时间: 20061218日(星期一)下午200
报告地点: 浙江大学玉泉校区教四102
主 持 人: 化工机械研究所所长 郑津洋教授
联系电话: 87952110
Pei Gu博士简介:
Dr Gu in now at MSC Software Corporation, working on supporting, consulting, and development of finite element analysis and simulation software. He graduated with a Ph.D. in the solid mechanics group at Brown University in 1994. Before he jointing MSC in 1998, he did postdoctoral research at the University of California at San Diego from 1994-1998. Now he continues his research at the University of California at San Diego.
Dr Gu has research experience in the areas of the mechanics of composite materials, computational mechanics/materials science and computational engineering (manufacture simulations), in particular, in modeling and simulation of fracture, damage and material behavior at both macro-scale and micro-scale. (1) Fracture mechanics. He has studied interfacial fracture mechanics of bonded materials, the fracture mechanics of composite materials and functionally graded materials. (2) Constitutive model for multi-scale modeling. He has developed micro-mechanically based constitutive relationship for multi-phase materials (including phase transformations) such that the microstructure can be represented in the constitutive law at the macroscopic level. Such coupled thermal-mechanical constitutive model can be implemented in finite element analysis. (3) Manufacture simulation using contact mechanics scheme in finite element analysis. He has involved in finite element simulation of metal forming, machining, as well as other coupled thermal/mechanical processes to improve such manufacture processes. (4) Material degradation under temperature elevation for composite structures. This project, funded by the office of naval research, studies the fire damage of the fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites.