美国密歇根州立大学副教授 Ilsoon Lee博士学术报告通知

发布者:系统管理员审核:fd 作者:fd终审:发布时间:2007-06-01浏览次数:4594

报告题目:Polyelectrolyte Based Functional Materials and Films: Self-assembly and Nanostructures
报告人:美国密歇根州立大学化学工程与材料科学系副教授 Ilsoon Lee博士
Polyelectrolyte Based Functional Materials and Films:
Self-assembly and Nanostructures
 Prof. Ilsoon Lee
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan, USA
Self-assembly based nanostructured materials have recently emerged as new tools to perform novel/multi functions in chemistry, materials science, biology, and engineering applications. These tools will enable us to create a new class of multifunctional nanoscale materials at the molecular level. The applications of these technologies will play an important role for next industrial revolution. This presentation will cover fundamental aspects of self assembly and nanostructured materials based on polyelectrolytes. Topics include novel self assembled monolayers (SAMs) on polymer surfaces, their assembly, surface patterning and disassembly as well as their function sorting the assembly of particles, proteins, and cells. In addition, mechanical, chemical, and thermal responses of layer by layer assembled polymeric thin films and particle nanocomposite films will be presented. Physico-chemical and biological aspects of the above mentioned molecular assemblies based on polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) with small organic and inorganic molecules, polymers, particles, as well as biomolecules will be covered for potential applications in biosensors, tissue engineering, and nanomechanical thin films.
Prof. Ilsoon Lee joined the department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at Michigan State University as an Assistant Professor on August 16, 2002. Previously, he studied at Seoul National University (Summa Cum Laude, South Korea), University of Delaware (USA), and Massachusetts Institutes of Technology (USA) for his Bachelors’ and PhD degrees and also postdoctoral experience, respectively. Recently, he was the recipients of Excellence Award in Interdisciplinary Scholarship (2007, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society) and also Outstanding Young Investigator Award (2006, American Institute of Chemical Engineers). His research interests include molecular level control over self-assembled bio-thin films and nanostructured films via novel non-lithographic approaches, molecular self-assembly, and layer-by-layer assembly. His expertise also includes the nanofabrication and characterization of nanomechanical wrinkle free films, anisotropic functional nanoparticles, and high-surface and high-selectivity bioelectronic interfaces for biosensors, biocatalytic reactors, and biofuel cells. Early this year, his wrinkle free nanomechanical film work (Hendricks and Lee 2007, Nano Letters 7, 372 -379) has attracted a lot of publicity for its possibility of preventing human skin wrinkles. More than 50 news articles have been written about this work including articles from the Discovery Channel News, Health News Today, Pharmacy News, Chemistry World, Medical News Today, Science Daily, Timesonline, and a MRS Bulletin. The details can be found in the Prof. Lee’s website (www.egr.msu.edu/~leeil). Currently Prof. Lee is looking for industrial partners to commercialize the novel founding for the cosmetics and biomedical applications.
Selected References (more details: http://www.egr.msu.edu/~leeil/)
  1. Hendricks, T. R.; Lee, I.* "Wrinkle-Free Nanomechanical Film: Control and Prevention of Polymer Film Buckling," Nano Letters, 7(2), 372 -379, (2007).
[Featured in Discovery Channel, Chemistry World, Science Daily, MRS Bulletin, and many more]
  1. Srivastava, D.; Lee, I.* "Nanorice and Nanospears from Polymer nanospheres," Advanced Materials 18, 2471–2475, (2006).
  2. Kohli, N.; Hassler, B.L.; Parthasarathy, L.; Richardson, R.J.; Ofoli, R.Y.; Worden, R.M.*; Lee, I.* "Tethered Lipid Bilayers on Electrolessly Deposited Gold for Bioelectronic Applications," Biomacromolecules 7, 3327-3335, (2006).
  3. Kidambi, S.; Lee, I.; Chan, C.* "Controlling Primary Hepatocyte Adhesion and Spreading on Protein Free Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Films," Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (50), 16286 -16287, (2004).
  4. Kidambi, S.; Chan, C.; Lee, I.* "Selective Depositions on Polyelectrolyte Multilayers: Self-Assembled Monolayers of m-dPEG Acid as Molecular Templates," Journal of the American Chemical Society 126, 4697-4703, (2004).