美国犹他大学Prof. Feng Liu学术报告通知

发布者:系统管理员审核:niml 作者:niml终审:发布时间:2007-06-12浏览次数:5257

报告题目:Strain Engineering for Self-assembly of Nanoarchitectures and Tuning of SiGe Band Structures
报告内容:The combination of strain engineering both for self-assembly of nanostructures and for tuning of electronic band structures opens up a new horizon in nanoelectronics. This presentation will first demonstrate a new form of nanoscale self-assembly via strain-engineered “nanomechanical architecture”. This approach allows fabrication of a variety of 3D nanostructures with an unprecedented level of control over their size, geometry, and uniformity. It is completely compatible with the Si technology, making it possible for parallel production and mass integration of many identical or different nanostructures. In the second part of talk, first-principles calculations and analyses of the strain-tuned band structures and carrier mobilities in a few examples of SiGe based nanoarchitectures will be present.
报告人:Prof. Feng Liu, Professor of Material Science and engineering at University of Utah in USA. As a leader of Computational Design and Testing of Novel Materials in University of Utah, Prof. Liu published over 100 refereed publications with many in high-profile journals including Physical Review Letters (30+), Nature (2), Advanced Materials (1), and Nano Letters (1); 8 book/encyclopedia chapters, and 10 invited reviews/papers. His current research interests lie in modeling and simulation of properties of surfaces and interfaces, growth mechanisms of thin films, and self-assembly and self-organization of nanostructures.