德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学Diethelm Johannsmann 教授学术报告预通知

发布者:系统管理员审核:niml 作者:niml终审:发布时间:2007-07-11浏览次数:4355

应浙江大学高分子系邀请,德国克劳斯塔尔工业大学Diethelm Johannsmann 教授将于本月底来我校访问并举行学术报告。
 报告题目:Advanced Applications of Acoustic Resonators in Soft Condensed Matter and the Life Sciences
报告人:Prof. Diethelm Johannsmann,
Institute of Physical ChemistryClausthal University of Technology
报告时间:2007.07.30 上午9:30
Acoustic shear fields are time-honored probes of the interaction between soft materials and a solid surface. Current applications reach far beyond the classical quartz crystal microbalance (QCM).   The talk covers viscoelastic effects, heterogeneous samples (like biological cells), high frequency friction measurements, nonlinear acoustics, and the use of torsional resonators for microweighing. The benefits of acoustic shear fields also come strongly into play when they are combined with other techniques of surface analysis. Some examples of combined QCM/AFM work will be discussed.