荷兰皇家科学院院士David N. Reinhoudt教授学术报告

发布者:系统管理员审核:niml 作者:niml终审:发布时间:2007-10-26浏览次数:6034

题目:Molecular Printboards: from Supramolecular Chemistry to Nanofabrication
报告人:David N. Reinhoudt教授
David N. Reinhoudt教授简介:
He studied Chemical Technology at the Delft University of Technology and graduated in chemistry in 1969 with Professor H.C. Beijerman. From 1970 to 1975 he worked at Shell where he started the crown ether research program. In 1975 he was appointed as a part-time professor at the University of Twente followed by the appointment as a full professor in 1978.
His research is focused on supramolecular chemistry and technology with Nanofabrication, molecular recognition, and non-covalent combinatorial synthesis as the major fields. In the past 30 years he has actively pursued the application of supramolecular chemistry in the field of electronic or optical sensor systems, catalysis, molecular materials and in "lab-on-a-chip" technology. Professor Reinhoudt is the scientific director of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology. Since 2002 he is the chairman of the Board of NanoNed, the Dutch Network for Nanotechnology.
He is a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Fellow of the Institute of Physics. He is the author of more than 750 scientific publications, patents, review articles, and books. He has been honored with the Izatt-Christensen award (1995), the Simon Stevin Mastership (1998) and Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion (2002).