
发布者:系统管理员审核:yjr 作者:yjr终审:发布时间:2007-12-10浏览次数:5011

                   时间: 2007年12月12日 下午:3:00--5:00
MES Engineer
Location: Beijing
Department: Solution service
Key Responsibilities:
·          Participate and responsible for off-shore system development of international projects or domestic project
·          Participate and responsible for on-site system implementation of international projects or domestic project
·          Conduct research and data analysis and design works to support the jobs that are signed to before the project implementation
·          Daily contact with lower and middle level management internally and externally with global and local clients in the field
·          Mainly work with global clients and internal project team to ensure opportune and quality delivery
·          Project management affair with multi-lateral parties
·          Experience in the refinery-wide MES projects with multiple suppliers and or programming in the related area
·          Good understanding of the manufacturing execution system including real time historian, LIMS, operation panning & scheduling, data reconciliation and oil accounting, asset management, and integration
·          Knowledge and implementation experience of various database such as Oracle and SQL, various programming and development tool, and report development tool such as Crystal report
·          College degree or higher in engineering 
·          Flexible to travel
·          Reasonable level in English reading, writing, and speaking
·          MS office tools skills such as power point, MS words, excel, MS Visio.
·          Hardware and network knowledge base that can support the system design and procurement
岗位地点:  Beijing  

Ÿ          负责动态模拟建模;
Ÿ         进行仿真培训器系统开发。
Ÿ           硕士学历,化学工程或相近专业毕业
Ÿ           具备良好的化工过程知识;
Ÿ           英语听说读写流利,(提供六级英语成绩或托福成绩);
Ÿ           熟悉流程模拟软件(ProII, AspenPlus, Hysys等)的优先考虑。
OTS Engineer
Location: Beijing
Department: Solution service
Key Responsibilities:
Ø     Responsible for Operator Training Simulation Engineer modelling work
Ø     Develop simulation training system.
Ø           Minimum of Master degree in chemical engineering,
Ø           Good command of chemical process  knowledge,
Ø           Fluent in speaking, writing and reading English. (Tofel / CET 6 paper is required )
Ø           Familiar with process simulation software (Proll, Aspenplus, Hysys etc) will be a plus.
DCS 工程师 / DCS Engineer
岗位地点:    上海
部门:        GPO, COG
l          负责DCS项目的设计,组态, 测试和调试等工作;按时,保质完成DCS工程项目中的任务,满足用户的要求;
l          解决DCS项目中的技术问题;
l          完成项目移交服务部前的现场服务。
l          本科以上学历,自动化,计算机,仪器仪表相关专业毕业;
l          熟悉工业过程自动化控制系统,数字通讯和工业网络;
l          具备较强的学习,问题分析和解决以及时间管理能力;
l          工作积极认真,作风务实严谨。
l          良好的英语听、说、读和写能力;
l          能适应工作中的出差要求。
DCS Engineer
Location: Shanghai
Department: GPO, COG
Key Responsibilities:
l          In-charge of design, configuration, testing and commissioning in Distributed Control System (DCS). Complete the tasks in DCS projects in compliant with required time, quality to meet customer’s satisfaction.
l          Resolve technical issues occurring in the projects.
l          Respond to on-site service prior to the transfer of project from engineering department to service department.
l          Minimum Bachelor Degree in Automation, Computer Science, Instrument Engineering and related discipline
l          Familiar with process automation, digital communication and industrial network systems.
l          Good at continuous learning, analyzing, problem-solving and time management
l          Work in a proactive and pragmatic manner.
l          Fair command of written and spoken English has added advantage.
l          Willing to travel