英国Leeds大学Xiaosong Wang博士学术报告通知

发布者:系统管理员审核:fd 作者:fd终审:发布时间:2007-12-29浏览次数:4871

  应浙江大学高分子系邀请,英国Leeds大学Xiaosong Wang博士来我校访问并举行学术报告。
报告题目:Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers:
     A Bottom up Approach for Well-Defined Functional Nanomaterials
报告人:Dr. Xiaosong Wang, Department of Colour Science, School of Chemistry, University of Leeds.
报告时间:200813  上午10:00
  Nanotechnology is promising to provide revolutionary solutions to a variety of challenging issues we are facing today, including healthcare, energy crisis, and environment reservation. The progress of this technology relies on the innovation in methodologies for the creation of functional nanomaterials. In spite of intensive research efforts, it is still a great challenge to synthesize nanomaterials in a controlled manner in terms of their functions, architectures and processibilities.
We have addressed this issue in the past few years through the synthesis and self-assembly of well-defined polymers, especially metal-containing polymers. Through the incorporation of metal elements into supramolecules, nanomaterials with a range of functions, including electronic, magnetic, catalytic, can be designed. More excitingly, during the course of our research, we developed a strategy of living supramolecular polymerization. Similar to macromolecule engineering using living polymerization, this supramolecular technique allowed us to precisely synthesize materials at nanometer scale through non-covalent interactions. The talk will summarize these recent advances of our research.