美国HP公司Eric Hanson博士学术报告通知

发布者:系统管理员审核:fd 作者:fd终审:发布时间:2008-01-14浏览次数:6148

  报人: Dr.Eric Hanson
Acting director of the Digital Printing and Imaging Laboratory (DPIL) of Hewlett Packard Laboratories
Manager of the Marking Technology Department (MTD) within DPIL
President of IS&T, the Society for Imaging Science & Technology (imaging.org), a major international engineering society in the field of printing & imaging
  报告题目: Liquid Electrophotographic Digital Commercial Printing
  时  间:一月十五日 ( 周二 ) 上午 10:30
  地  点:高分子大楼230

Eric received a Ph.D. in physics in 1977 from the University of California at Berkeley, where his focus was experimental research on optical properties of liquid crystals and solid state materials. He joined HP Labs after receiving his Ph.D., and initially conducted research on optical fiber fabrication and optical switching components. Since 1984 he has managed research teams investigating advanced digital printing. These teams have made significant contributions to HP’s Thermal Ink Jet (TIJ) and Liquid Electrophotography (LEP) technologies, as well as conducting research on several other non-impact marking techniques. During the course of this research, Eric has also conducted analyses of strategic technological trends in the major printing technologies. He has been awarded 18 US patents.
DPIL conducts research on advanced technologies for HP's core hardcopy and imaging business as well as technologies that open new service and solutions business opportunities. Research areas include: digital imaging and publishing architectures, next generation printing technologies, color reproduction and management, image processing techniques, new technologies for printed electronics and displays, and development of new imaging and publishing technologies.
The primary focus of MTD is on technology advances to enable higher performance liquid electrophotographic printing and thermal ink jet printing. These advances include improvements in designs, operating conditions, fabrication techniques, and materials, to address such issues as ease of use, image quality, reliability, cost, and image permanence. 

