
发布者:系统管理员审核:fd 作者:fd终审:发布时间:2008-06-17浏览次数:6290

报告题目:Biohydrogen from renewable resource using microbial electrolysis cells
  Abstract:Biological processes are an environmentally friendly technology for producing hydrogen from renewable resources such as biomass. However, biological fermentation has low yield and low energy recovery for hydrogen production. We report here a new method called microbial electrolysis cells could produce a hydrogen yield of 68-99 % from various renewable biomass.
  Dr. Shaoan Cheng, B.S.(1983), Ph.D.(1995) in Materials Science and Engineering from Zhejiang University; 1998-2001, Visiting professor at Basque University, Spain; 2001-2003, Postdoctoral fellow at The University of Hong Kong; Postdoctoral Fellow (2004-2005), Research Associate (2006-2007), Senior Research Associate (2008-now) in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Penn State University, USA.
  Research interests focus on Materials, Electrochemistry, Fuel Cell, Clean energy and Environmental bioelectrochemistry. Resulted in around 100 research papers in prestigious journals such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Science and Environ. Sci. Technol., and five US patents.