
发布者:系统管理员审核:niml 作者:niml终审:发布时间:2008-10-16浏览次数:3783

由中科院上海应用物理所和浙江大学材料与化学工程学院合办的生物界观水研讨会(Workshop on Water at Biological Interface将于102728在浙江大学邵逸夫科学馆召开。会议邀请了国内外知名学者出席,其中包括英国Nature杂志的顾问编辑Philip Ball教授,哥伦比亚大学Ruhong Zhou教授等。研讨会将围绕界观水结构、界观水在生物大分子相互作用、蛋白质分子折叠等过程中的作用等前沿领域展开讨论。请有兴趣的科研人员和研究生积极参加。具体内容见http://www.sinap.ac.cn/water08/index.html。如需获取更详细的内容,请与制药工程研究所的陈圣福研究员(schen@zju.edu.cn 15958163615)联系。
Workshop on Water at Biological Interfaces
Hangzhou Water08
Oct. 27-28, 2008, Hangzhou, China
Hangzhou Water08 is sponsored by the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP), cosponsored by the Zhejiang University, Organized by Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and supported by National Science Foundation of China and the Chinese Academy of Science, and Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China
Water at biological interfaces plays a crucial role in cell and molecular biology. It has become increasingly clear over the past two decades or so that water is not simply life’s passive solvent, but is an active and versatile matrix that engages and interacts with biomolecules in complex, subtle, and essential ways. Most dramatically, it affects the structure, dynamics, folding and unfolding, interactions and functions of proteins. Moreover, the structure and dynamics of protein hydration shells seem to feed back onto those aspects of the biomolecules themselves, so that biological function depends on a delicate interplay between what we have previously regarded as distinct entities: the molecule and its environment. A fundamental understanding of the properties of water at biological interfaces is also important for many practical issues, including environmental problems and technologies for desalination, purification and waste water recovery.
The workshop provides an excellent opportunity for researchers from different disciplines to review the latest progress on interfacial biological water, and exchange their experience, progress and ideas.
Chair: Philip Ball, Nature, 4-6 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW, U.K.
Co-Chair: Haiping Fang, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS, Shanghai
Secretary: Shengfu Chen, Zhejiang University
Xiaoling Lei, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS, Shanghai
Organizing Committee
1.       Xiaowei Tang, Zhejiang University, China
2.       Zhongcan Ouyang, Institute of Physics, CAS, China
3.       Enge Wang, Institute of Physics, CAS, China
4.       Xiangyang Liu, National University of Singapore, Singapore
5.       Ruhong Zhou, IBM Watson and Columbia University, USA
6.       Jinghua Guo, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
7.       Dongping Zhong, The Ohio State University,USA
8.       Jichen Li, University of Manchester, UK
9.       Yuhong Xu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
10.   Jun Hu, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS, China
11.   Fengshou Zhang, Beijing Normal University, China
12.   Shengfu Chen, Zhejiang University, China
13.   Gang Pan, State Key Laboratory of Environment Aquatic Chemistry, CAS, China
14.   Shaoping Deng, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China
15.   Nature, 4-6 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW, U.K
16.   Haiping Fang, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS, Shanghai