
发布者:系统管理员审核:caih 作者:caih终审:发布时间:2008-11-14浏览次数:4332

迫田章义教授主要从事环境和化工领域的研究,研究兴趣包括:Fundamentals and applications of adsorption processesAdsorptive water treatmentsDevelopment of systems and technologies for biomass utilization (Biomass Refinery and Biomass Town)。现为Journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering(Part B = Process)Safety and Environmental ProtectionAdsorptionWater Research的编委。在学术刊物上发表论文180篇,著作(包括参编)21 本。
报 告 人:日本东京大学迫田章义教授
报告题目:Sustainable Integrations of Local Agriculture and Biomass Industries
邀 请 人:吕秀阳研究员
若教师有合作意向或学生有到他实验室读研或做博士后意向,请与制药工程研究所吕秀阳联系,电话:13357155981email: luxiuyang@zju.edu.cn.
Akiyoshi Sakoda is a Professor at Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo. His majors include Chemical Systems Engineering (especially, adsorptive separation engineering and environmental and chemical engineering). He is currently focusing on researches in the areas of fundamentals and applications of adsorption, physicochemical water treatments, and sustainable biomass utilization systems and their key technologies. Regarding the sustainable and effective utilization of biomass resources especially in Japan, he has proposed a `Japan-specific Biomass Refinery (Biorefinery)’ system several years ago, where local biomass resources are utilized as the resources for local materials and local energy. Since then, he has been developing its key technologies, designing and demonstrating a couple of typical ‘Biomass Towns’ in Japan and promoting cooperative researches in Asian countries and regions.
Name:         Akiyoshi Sakoda
Date of birth:      October 1, 1955
Place of birth:    Kyoto, Japan
1979    B.S.        Chemical Engineering, University of Tokyo
1981   M. S.        Chemical Engineering, University of Tokyo
1984         Ph. D.      Chemical Engineering, University of Tokyo
1984-1987      Assistant Professor, Science University of Tokyo
1987-1989      Research Fellow, University of Michigan, USA
1990-1992      Assistant Professor,
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo (IIS/UT)
1993-2000      Associate Professor, IIS/UT
2000-             Professor, IIS/UT
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, JAPAN
Phone +81-5452-6350 Fax +81-5452-6351
Current Research Interests (Environmental and Chemical Engineering)
1. Fundamentals and applications of adsorption processes
2. Adsorptive water treatments
3. Development of systems and technologies for biomass utilization
 (Biomass Refinery and Biomass Town)
with review: 116
without review: 64
book: 21
Journal editor (International)
Journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering: Part B = Process
Safety and Environmental Protection
Water Research
Trustee of academic society (Japan)
Japan Society on Adsorption
Japan Society on Water Environment
Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
Society of Environmental Science, Japan