英国约克大学James Clark教授学术报告会的通知

发布者:系统管理员审核:caih 作者:caih终审:发布时间:2008-11-18浏览次数:7603

    应我校制药工程研究所邀请,英国约克大学James Clark教授将于2008124125对我校进行学术访问,并定于124日下午在材料与化工学院为我校师生作专题学术报告。
       James Clark教授主要从事绿色化学领域的研究,研究兴趣包括:Chemicals from biomass including benign extraction technologies, Green and sustainable chemicals for consumer goods, Clean synthesis including chemistry in water, Mesoporous solids and their application including heterogeneous catalysis, Novel materials from biomass including porous polysaccharide derived materials, Microwave chemistry including the energy-efficient conversion of biomass, Greener pharmaceuticalsJames Clark教授是国际性权威期刊“Green Chemistry”IF4.836)的创刊人,同时他是Green Chemistry Network的创办人和主任。已在国际学术刊物上发表论文400多篇,专著或编著12 本,并拥有专利18件。
人:英国约克大学James Clark教授
报告题目:Green Chemistry and the Biorefinery
若教师有合作意向或学生有到他实验室读研或做博士后意向,请与制药工程研究所吕秀阳联系,电话:13357155981email: luxiuyang@zju.edu.cn.
附件:James Clark教授简历
Professor James H Clark
 Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, Chemistry Department
University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK (jhc1@york.ac.uk)
Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, University of York; Director Green Chemistry Network.
Career summary
BSc and PhD in Chemistry from Kings College, London. Following postdoctoral research in Canada and the UK, appointed to a Lectureship in Chemistry at the University of York and on to a personal Chair in 1994. Appointed Director Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence 2006.
Royal Society of Chemistry John Jeyes Medal and Lectureship
Society of Chemical Industry Environment Medal
Diplomas of Distinction, University of Patras, Greece and UANL Mexico
Royal Academy of Engineering Clean Technology Fellowship
Fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Arts Better Environment Award (Project leader)    
European Better Environment Award (Project leader)
Prince of Wales Award for Innovation (Project leader)
Significant appointments   
Founding Scientific Editor, Green Chemistry
Founding Director, Green Chemistry Network
Member UK Government Chemical Stakeholders Forum
Director Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence  
Member GSK Advisory Board  
Series Editor RSC Green Chemistry book series 
Consultant international chemicals and chemical-user companies
Visiting Professor, University of Caen, France     
BP-British Council Climate Change lecturer  
External examiner, Imperial College London
Chair RSC Working Party on Energy (2004)
Series Editor, RSC Clean Technology Monographs
Chair, SCI Materials Committee (1996-2001)
Editor-in-chief Chief, Reactive and Functional Polymers (1996 - 2001)
Chair, Gordon Conference on Green Chemistry (Oxford)  
President, 1st IUPAC International Symposium on Green Chemistry      
Major recent lectures 
Plenary lectures in Mexico, Greece, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Ireland, India (Presidential), Korea, Japan, USA, Slovakia and UK (10-20 invited lectures per year)
400 publications including 12 books as author or editor and 18 patents
Research and related Activities
Currently heads a group with 45 graduate researchers, senior researchers and support staff, and current research grants of ca. £3 million
Supervised over 50 PhDs
Major research areas
Chemicals from biomass including benign extraction technologies
Green and sustainable chemicals for consumer goods
Clean synthesis including chemistry in water
Mesoporous solids and their application including heterogeneous catalysis
Novel materials from biomass including porous polysaccharide derived materials
Microwave chemistry including the energy-efficient conversion of biomass
Greener pharmaceuticals
Major activities in Green Chemistry
Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence – one of the largest and most successful centres in the world for the promotion of sustainable chemistry (www.greenchemistry.net). The four pillars of the Centre are research, education, industrial collaboration and networking. Both pure, discovery-orientated research and translational, collaborative research with industry is carried out. The Centre specialises in creating supply chain consortia and providing the IP and underpinning research to support multi-partner, cross-sector collaborations directed at producing genuinely green and sustainable solutions for today’s challenges. The original Centre was established by James Clark in 1998 and subsequently given Centre of Industrial Collaboration (2003) and then Centre of Excellence status in 2006 with Clark as its director.
Green Chemistry Networks – the Green Chemistry Network (www.chemsoc.org/gcn), the world’s largest private membership network focussing on green and sustainable chemistry was founded by James Clark in 1998 and is run by Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence Staff. The GCN supports activities worldwide and reaches from the school classroom to the company boardroom. One of its activities Green Chemistry and the Consumer has successfully integrated the retailer/producer end of the consumer good supply chain into the green chemistry debate and is helping to create new multi-sector supply chain consortia for a wide range of new products in areas including furniture, personal care products and floor coverings. The new EU network Sustoil also led by Clark brings together industry and academia to accelerate the development of second-generation biorefineries for the sustainable production of chemicals and fuels from plants.
Green Chemistry Education – the education of future generations and the training of current employees in sustainable industrial technology is vital for the wellbeing of society. Initiatives led by James Clark have shown the way to achieving this: he leads Europe’s first Green Chemistry Masters degree which has produced over 100 qualified young scientists who have gone into careers in industry, government, retail and education and has encouraged similar courses in countries including the UK, Canada, Spain and France; a new initiative Green Consumer Products will use exhibitions and a website to bring green and sustainable chemistry to children and to the general public; on-line courses and master classes are bringing continuing professional development to scientists and technologists in industry worldwide and through low technical materials to producers, retailers, NGOs and governments.