A Climate for Change – from Education, Energy, to the Environment
For too long, universities have focused on the transfer of knowledge and skills. A world class university in the 21st century must focus on the cultivation of creative minds and the identification of ultimate solutions of the most critical issues of the day, as well as pushing the frontiers of science for the service of humanity.
A case in point is climate change and energy security, where a multidisciplinary approach is essential to develop effective products and policies. A natural scientist must provide fundamental understanding of interactions of gaseous molecules with host surfaces and structures for the design of efficient materials for energy technologies, e.g. hydrogen storage and carbon capture. Using latest examples of development, the talk will illustrate a balanced theoretical and experimental approach to tackling the key technical barriers for the advancement of hydrogen as an energy carrier and for the generation of clean energy with carbon capture.
郭正晓教授:1983年获东北大学工学学士学位;1985年和1988年分别获曼彻斯特大学硕士和博士学位。1988至1995先后任职于Strathclyde 大学和牛津大学;1995被聘为伦敦大学(玛丽皇后学院材料系)讲师,2000年破格晋升为教授。2006-2007年任伦敦清洁能源中心主任。2007年被聘为University College London(伦敦大学学院) 化学系教授。2008年被聘为伦敦大学学院Pro-Provost。
主要从事清洁能源及二氧化碳捕捉的基础和应用问题研究。多次应政府机构邀请商讨能源战略计划,为英可持续能源供给计划(SUPERGEN)下氢能源和生物能源电池主团队成员。所领导的研究团队近几年共获欧共体、英政府、皇家学会及工业界资助一千多万英镑。在结构,能源,纳米,及生物材料方面贡献突出。2000年被化学工业学会、英国材料学会、皇家化学会联合授予贝尔比奖章与奖金 (Beilby Medal and Prize)。在有影响力国际期刊发表论文140多篇。组织、主持国际会议或做特邀报告40 余次。为多家国际学术刊物编委和英国和欧共体资助机构评委。