学术报告201010-美国Clemson大学Dr. Terry M. Tritt教授学术报告会通知


美国Clemson大学Dr. Terry M. Tritt教授学术报告会通知
Grain Boundary Engineering and Bulk Nanocomposites
in Advanced Thermoelectric Materials
  报告摘要:Recently, there has been an ever-increasing research effort on thermoelectric nanocomposite materials. Composites using a mixture of bulk thermoelectric materials with nanoparticles incorporated within the bulk are of specific interest. One of the main goals is to have additional design or tuning parameters for materials (such as dimensionality) in order to manipulate and control the phonon scattering mechanisms, without significantly deteriorating the electrical transport properties. The ability to decouple the electron and phonon scattering mechanisms is very important in the development of higher efficiency thermoelectric (TE) materials, wherein the figure of merit, ZT, can be greater than unity. New opportunities are being explored in order to improve existing TE materials and significantly increase ZT. The role of phonons may be one of the most important parameters to understand in these novel materials. A review of recent results in low dimensional and nanocomposite TE materials from several research groups, including my own, will be presented.
  报告人简介:Prof. Dr. Terry M. Tritt 1985年在美国Clemson大学获博士学位,1985-1989年任美国国家研究委员会委员,1989-1996年在美国海军实验室工作,1996年进入克莱姆森大学。现为Clemson大学物理和天文系教授、能源材料课题组负责人、国际热电学会理事,曾多次担任本领域重要国际学术会议主席。他在ScienceAnnu . Rew. Mater. Sci.PRBAPL等期刊上发表的论文已累计他引1000次以上。2008年当选为SCAS Governor’s Research Professor of the Year