

报告题目:Biomedical Application of Nanoparticles
报告人:Dr. Xiaogang LiuDepartment of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, Singapore
刘小钢博士1974年出生,江西南昌人。2004年在美国西北大学(Northwestern University)获化学博士学位,2004-2006年在MIT材料系做博士后,2006年受聘于新加坡国立大学化学系任助理教授。研究兴趣包括纳米材料制备和自组装,生物无机化学和超分子化学,催化表面科学,传感器和生物医学应用。目前已在Nature(1)Science(1)Nature Nanotechnology(1)Chemical Society Reviews(1)Angewandte Chemie International Editional(5)JACS(5)Nano Letter(1)Advance Materials(2)等期刊上发表30余篇论文,他引近700次。
Colorimetric DNA Detection via Nicking Endonuclease-Assisted Nanoparticle Amplification
Abstract: Important genetic information is encapsulated in the DNA, which is why it is one of the most studied molecules. Such studies may involve DNA detection. Thus, the ability to sense and detect ultra-low concentrations of specific DNA sequences using simple and inexpensive assays is important in many applications ranging from clinical diagnostics such as mutation detection to biodefence applications. Conventional methods of DNA detection involve the use of radioactive 32P-labeled nucleic acid probes or polymerase chain reactions combined with fluorescent-based analytical methods. Although the latter has high sensitivity of detection, it is not without its drawbacks. Such include complex handling procedures, easy contamination, high cost, and lack of portability. To this end, we have developed a novel approach of detecting point mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms based on nicking endonuclease-assisted nanoparticle amplification. Their newly designed colorimetric detection system comprises a fixed set of nanoparticle probes, a linker strand that is supposed to hybridise with the target DNA, and a nicking endonuclease enzyme. The detection system offers a colorimetric detection limit of 0.5 fmol within hours for selected oligonucleotides. Detection of DNA sequences with a single base mismatch or different lengths (24-mer, 36-mer, 48-mer, and 80-mer) has also been demonstrated.