学术报告201024-美国加州理工学院J. Snyder博士学术报告会通知


报告题目:Complex Thermoelectric Materials
报告人:Dr. G. Jeffrey Snyder
California Institute of Technology
Snyder obtained his B.S. degree in physics, chemistry and mathematics at Cornell University in 1991 focusing on solid state chemistry of chalcogenides. During 1992–1993 he studied the solid state chemistry of intermetallics, sub-nitrides and C60 materials at the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart, Germany. He received his Ph.D. in applied physics from Stanford University in 1997 where he was a Hertz Fellow. He was a Senior Member of the Technical Staff in the thermoelectrics group at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory from 1997 to 2006 where he focused on thermoelectric materials and devices. Here he developed the thermoelectric compatibility concept for efficient segmentation of thermoelectric materials, and a number of new, high efficiency thermoelectric materials. He is currently a Faculty Associate in materials science at the California Institute of Technology. Dr Snyder has published over 80 articles in many top tier journals such as Science, Nat. Mater., Phys. Rev. Lett., Chem. Mater. and so on, and a number of patents including a recent chapter in the CRC Handbook of Thermoelectrics.