美国University of Texas at Houston Prof. Yunzhi Yang学术报告会通知
主讲人:Prof. Yunzhi Yang
报告题目:Concepts and developments: bio-inspired approaches for bone tissue engineering
Abstract: Biomedical engineering is to implement engineering principles to solve biological and medical problems. On the other hand, as a bioengineer, we also benefit from the knowledge of biology and medicine. My research program is focused on applying what we learned from biology and medicine to the design and fabrication of bio-inspired biomaterials to improve the implant devices performance to better treat the patients. The presentation will include our work in enabling technology for bone regeneration, the nanotechnology for implant devices, and naturally based biomaterials for cancer treatment.
Yang “Peter” Yang, Ph.D., is assistant professor in the
Yang’s research interests are in the field of bio-inspired biomaterials, including enabling technology for regenerative medicine, nanotechnology for implant devices, and naturally-based biomaterials for cancer treatment. His publications include 60 peer-reviewed journal papers, 9 book chapters, 18 peer-reviewed proceeding papers, and 120 conference abstracts.