报告题目:Nanostructure-tailored Surface Plasmon Resonance: A New Paradigm in Optoelectronics and Sensing
报告人:Dr. Nianqiang WU,WV Nano Initiative, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University, USA
时间:2011年6月14日上午10:00 ~ 11:00
吴年强博士1986年进入浙江大学材料系学习,1997年浙江大学材料系博士毕业,同年晋升副教授。1999-2001年赴美国匹兹堡大学做博士后,之后在美国西北大学负责Keck表面中心工作。2005年受聘西弗吉尼亚大学助理教授,2010年晋升副教授。研究兴趣包括纳米材料、纳米光刻技术、生物传感器、光催化和太阳能电池材料。先后在JACS(3),Nano Letter(2),Small(3),Advance Materials(2),Energy & Environmental Science(2)等期刊上发表60余篇论文,他引1200余次。吴年强博士此次学术报告将重点介绍课题组在半导体量子点-DNA-金纳米颗粒体系中表面等离子体共振效应与能量传递现象,及其在光电探测和成像方面应用的研究工作。
Nanostructure-tailored Surface Plasmon Resonance: A New Paradigm in Optoelectronics and Sensing
Abstract: This presentation will first introduce the concept and principle of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and then demonstrate the tuning of SPR by tailoring the particle size, shape and surface chemistry of nanoparticles. The speech will also discuss the nanoscale energy transfer between semiconducting quantum dots (QDs) and gold nanoparticles, and examine the influence of SPR on the fluorescence emission of quantum dots. Following the research results, an ultra-sensitive mercury sensor is demonstrated with a QD-DNA-Au ensemble via nano-metal surface energy transfer. In addition, the talk will deal with the effects of SPR on the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) in the Au-Raman reporter-silica sandwich-structured nanoparticles. The presentation will then discuss the interplay of SPR with chemical enhancement in SERS. The research results in the presentation show that SPR has an implication in nanoscale optoelectronics, sensing and imaging.