关于美国California San Diego大学Ying Shirley Meng教授学术报告的通知


报告题目:Materials challenges for electrochemical energy storage & conversion




New and improved materials for energy storage are urgently required to make more efficient use of our finite supply of fossil fuels, and to enable the effective use of renewable energy sources. Lithium ion batteries are a key source for mobile energy and one of the most promising solutions for environment-friendly transportation. However the state-of-art electrode materials for lithium ion batteries are cobalt based oxides, which cannot meet the high energy demand, safety standards and rate capability for high new applications such as plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV).     Moreover, energy storage has been hindering the further deployment of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. In this seminar, I will demonstrate how to combine knowledge-guided synthesis/characterization and first principles computation to develop and optimize new higher energy/power density electrode materials.  In addition, with advances in controlled synthesis and in situ characterization tools, we are able to explore intrinsic ionic mobility and phase transformations in materials, develop an approach to understand thermodynamic and transport properties of functional nanostructured materials for energy storage and conversion.


Dr. Meng won the Materials Research Society (MRS) Graduate Student Award in 2003 for her pioneering work on designing new high energy electrode materials for lithium ion batteries from first principles. In 2008, she joined one of the top ten materials science and engineering departments in USA at University of Florida. Dr. Meng later joined University of California San Diego and set up the Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion (LESC). Dr. Meng recently received the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award.

Meng’s research focuses on the direct integration of highly skilled experimental techniques with first principles computation modeling for developing new materials for electric energy storage and conversion. She and her research group - Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion (http://ne.ucsd.edu/smeng/main-page) – focuses on functional ceramics and nanostructured materials for their electrochemical and thermoelectric applications.






