Surrey大学Radu Sporea博士报告通知



Contact Contact Effects in Thin-Film Transistors; the Source-Gated Transistor and its Application to Mixed Signal Large Area Electronics

报告时间:20121126 下午2:00



Significant contact effects are present in large-area electronic devices, particularly in organic and solution processed technologies.Potential barriers are the source electrode completely change the operation of thin-film transistors. As such, the conventional equations for mobility, etc. do not apply. In this seminar, I describe the ways in which the characteristics of source-contact-limited devices can be optimized by understanding their mode of operation and the potential advantages of such structures.




Dr Radu Sporea is Royal Academy of Engineerging Academic Research Fellow at the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI).

Prior to this appointment he has held the EPSRC PhD+ Fellowship in the Nanoelectronics Centre of the ATI and has studied for his PhD (2006 - 2010) in the same centre.

After studying Computer Systems Engineering at “Politehnica” University, Bucharest, Romania, Radu has worked as a Junior Design Engineer for Catalyst Semiconductor Romania, now part of ON Semiconductor. There he has accumulated experience on all aspects of integrated circuit design and testing. He has also developed software applications for optoelectronic test benches for the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, also in Bucharest.

Radu enjoys travelling, photography and public engagement in Science.

Current research focuses on power-efficient, cost-effective large-area electronics in organic and inorganic semiconductor technologies. Most of the work is based on the concept of source-gated transistor (SGT), a device invented at Surrey by Prof Shannon and collaborators.

Previous results in polysilicon and amorphous silicon devices highlight the performance benefits of SGTs: higher amplification and lower energy requirements in certain circuit configurations.

Now, using solution-processed semiconductor technologies they aim to create large-area flexible and possibly transparent electronic circuits which are very resilient to process variations and can be made without the complex tools required by conventional material deposition and photolithography processes. They rely on Dimatix inkjet printing of conductive nanoparticle inks, semiconducting polymers or small molecules and insulators to create organic transistors (OFET and OSGT) and circuits on a variety of transparent and flexible substrates such as PEN or PET.

The flip side of the research activity is represented by computer simulation and modelling of device physics and circuit design using the SILVACO suite (Atlas, Athena, MixedMode) for analog and mixed signal applications.