学术报告201315-西班牙高等科研理事会(CSIC)Angel Costela教授学术报告会


报告题目:New photonic systems based on nanostructured and photosensitized materials
人:西班牙高等科研理事会(CSICAngel Costela教授
Solid state dye lasers (SSDLs) provide low-cost gain media with tunable and efficient emission across the whole visible spectrum and beyond, which together with their processing and pumping flexibility, makes them very attractive for the fabrication and development of cost-effective laser heads for biomedical applications or coherent light sources suitable for integration in optoelectronic, spectroscopic or sensing devices. One significant challenge is to address the limited operational lifetime (photostability) of these devices due to dye photodegradation, to enable the use of these sources in the aforementioned applications.
Over the last decade, significant advances have been made toward the development of practical SSDLs, which resulted in improved lasing efficiency with reduced dye photodegradation. To achieve this goal, a “chemical” approach was followed, where attention was focused onto the particular dye/host interaction and compatibility, specifically choosing already existing hosts for a given dye, synthesizing new dyes and/or matrices, or chemically modifying existing ones. Nevertheless, this approach was limited by a single fact learnt from the experience: there is no universal matrix which optimizes the efficiency and photostability of all dyes. This limitation could be overcome by following a “physical” approach, where the emission properties of the active medium are tailored by means of physical and structural modifications of the dye host. Over the last few years we have demonstrated that following a simultaneous “physical" and “chemical" approach to tailor the emission properties of the host materials for SSDL, may lead, under specific circumstances, to the improvement of both the laser efficiency and photostability.
In this talk I will present an overview of the main results obtained in our laboratory over the last years on the development of SSDLs, and will show that photonic materials based on SSDLs combining synergistically the advantages of both random and conventional lasers, may result in systems with optimized laser emission.
Angle Costela教授担任西班牙高等科研理事会(CSIC)物理化学研究所低维体系、界面与凝聚态物质系系主任。研究领域包括光学、激光、非线性光学、光化学、分子光谱、激光器件及材料物理化学等,近年来在Nature PhotonicsAdvanced MaterialsAdvanced Functional Materials等权威刊物上发表文章90余篇。获西班牙政府及欧洲资助项目26项,主持国际合作项目3项,出版国际专著4部,获国际发明专利9项。是在激光化学、可调谐激光、非线性光学等领域内具有重要国际学术影响的权威科学家之一。