学术报告201322-欧洲材料研究学会副主席Hans Richter教授学术报告会


报告题目:Silicon for Key Enabling Technologies
报告人:Hans Richter
Hans Richter简介:
Prof. Hans Richter studied material science at Technology University of Magdeburg, Germany, where he received his Ph. D degree on metal physics. Afterwards, he continued his science research in TU Magdeburg for 6 years. From 1971 to 1988, he worked as deputy director of semiconductor technology department at Academy of Sciences of the GDR. In the meantime, he also gave lectures in the famous Humboldt-University. In 1991, he moved to Innovational High Performance of microelectronics (IHP) Frankfurt (Oder) and served as the director of IHP/BTU Joint Lab for 15 years. During this period, he obtained the Professorship in BTU Cottbus in 2002. Now, Prof. Hans Richter is the Member of SEMI’s European ISS committee, and the executive Board Member of E-MRS, Strasbourg.
In the past 40 years, his research interests are always focused on Defects in Semiconductors, and Semiconductor Technologies. Until now, he has published 370 scientific papers and owned 38 invent patents.
His talk will be related to the history, current status and further roadmap of silicon materials and technologies. The main content includes the following five aspects:
1. Silicon Age
2. Design of Materials & Functionality
3. Introduction of “Gettering and Defect Engineering in Semiconductor Technology” – GADEST
4. New European Strategies
5. The Role of Silicon for KET’s
5.1 Energy (Si-based Photovoltaics, Nanotechnology)
5.2 Nanotechnology and Photonics