

报告题目:Laser Precision Engineering for Large Area Meta-materials Fabrication(超材料激光加工制备技术)
       洪明辉博士是新加坡国立大学(NUS)电机工程系副教授(终身教职)担任NUS工学院助理院长职务,获美国光学学会院士(OSA Fellow)和国际光学工程学会院士(SPIE Fellows)称号。洪明辉博士是激光领域著名学者,长期从事激光微纳加工技术研究,在激光微制造、激光清洗和激光焊接等领域开展了国际领先水平的研究工作。洪教授先后主持了50多项工业科研项目,总经费人民币近亿元;申请38项国际发明专利,其中24项已获发明授权,1项已产业化生产;在《自然》、《自然通讯》等国际一流学术刊物发表300余篇论文,合著10部专业著作;获邀做主题或特邀报告40余次;获颁2004年度新加坡工程师协会具有权威性的工程成就奖。洪教授在多个国际学术组织机构担任学术职务:曾担任亚太近場光学会议表面等离子体及其在纳米技术上的应用国际会议、激光剥离双年会、激光精密微加工国际年会国际功能材料学会议纳米光子学西部光子学等多个国际学术会议会议主席或组委会委员。洪教授曾参与中国国家自然科学奖、国家自然科学基金委员会(创新研究群体项目)“973”计划和重大科学研究计划,以及欧洲科学基金会资助项目等的评审工作;担任英国曼彻斯特大学西蒙工业及专业研究员、中国科学院光电技术研究所客座研究员、中国科学技术大学客座教授。
报告题目:Laser Precision Engineering for Large Area Meta-materials Fabrication
    Meta-materials are artificially designed and fabricated structures to control light propagation and behaviors. To achieve its practical applications, three dimensional (3D) and large area meta-materials fabrication is one of the key challenges, especially at visible, IR and THz spectra as advanced micro/nano-fabrication techniques are required. Laser precision engineering has unique advantages as a non-contact process with flexible setup and high speed processing in air, vacuum or liquid environment. Combined with other advanced processing tools, laser nanofabrication will play a much more important role in the next generation manufacturing.
In this talk, our recent research progress on laser microfabrication of THz 2D hybrid meta-materials, multi-layer meta-materials and meta-materials tube will be reported. It shows that laser precision engineering is one flexible means to achieve 3D and large area meta-materials fabrication in ambient air for IR and THz waves. To increase laser nanofabrication speed for large area nanostructures fabrication, parallel maskless multi-beam laser nanoprocessing schemes are developed. Laser micro-lens array (MLA) lithography and laser interference lithography (LIL) can achieve large area ~100nm nanofabrication at a high speed, which is able to make meta-materials at visible and NIR spectra. Vision on the laser nanofabrication down to sub-20 nm resolution for large area functional hybrid micro/nano-structures fabrication will be briefed.