



主讲人:孙宝全教授  苏州大学

报告题目Interface Engineering of Nanostructured Organic-inorganic (Si) for Efficient Hybrid Solar Cells

Abstract: The fast-booming nanotechnology allows people to explore high performance and low cost photovoltaic (PV) devices. Organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells based on nanostructured semiconductor have built up in few years ago, which can benefit the advantages of both organic and inorganic composites. However, the device performances are relatively lower than its pristine all-inorganic PV devices, resulting from the numerous surface defect and improper organic-inorganic phase segregation. In our group, we have developed various nanostructured semiconductors by surface/interface engineering for high-performance solar cell. We have investigated organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells based on nanostructured semiconductor which act as light harvest layer as well as electron transporting layer. Here, we demonstrate that hybrid PVs based on organic conjugated molecular and silicon nanowire (SiNWs) arrays can achieve a high PCE (~13%) by controlling the phase separation as well as surface passivation.

孙宝全,男,1973年生,苏州大学功能纳米与软物质材料研究院教授1997-2002年就读于清华大学并获博士学位,2002-2009先后在英国剑桥大学卡文迪许实验室和美国能源部洛斯安洛莫斯国家实验室工作。2009年加入苏州大学以来主要从事新型光伏材料与器件方面的特别是硅纳米结构的有机无机杂化光伏电池方面的研究工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金4项,主持科技部973课题项目一项。在J. Am. Chem. Soc.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等杂志发表“SCI”收录论文70余篇,被他人引用2700余次,H-因子25