英国帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)工学院副院长等将来我校召开2015年联合培养研究生学位项目招生宣讲会。具体安排如下:
时 间:10月23日(周四)下午15:45-16:45
地 点:紫金港校区图书馆三楼国立浙江大学厅
Peter Cheung,帝国理工学院工学院副院长、电气与电子工程系主任
Dimitri Vvedensky, 帝国理工学院自然科学学部代表、物理系教授
Andrew Tebbutt, 帝国理工招生办主任
Ms Angela Lin,帝国理工亚洲区招生主管
Prof. Peter Cheung 简历
Peter Y. K. Cheung (M’85–SM’04) received the B.S. degree with first class honors from Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, London, U.K., in 1973. After working for a few years as a design engineer for Hewlett Packard he returned to Imperial College as a research associate in 1976. He was appointed a Lecturer in 1980, Senior Lecturer in 1992, Reader in 1997 and Professor of digital systems in 2002. He is currently Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Vice Dean for the Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College.He runs an active research group in reconfigurable circuits and systems. He has over 200 publications in the areas of VLSI architectures for signal processing, asynchronous systems, reconfigurable computing using FPGAs, and architectural synthesis. He is Fellow of the IET in the UK. His research interests include Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and Reconfigurable Computing, High level synthesis and hardware/software codesign for reconfigurable systems, Reconfigurable architectures for signal and image processing, Processor variability and reliability, particularly related to FPGA technologies, etc..
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