

【演讲题目】Interface Engineered Complex Oxides for Energy Harvest and Control Systems
【演讲者】Professor Chonglin Chen
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Texas at San Antonio
San Antonio, TX 78249-1644
Dr. C. L. Chen is currently a professor of physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the University of Texas at San Antonio and a joint professor at the Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston (TcSUH). He received his Ph. D. degree in solid state science (Materials) from the Pennsylvania State University in 1994, MS in Metallurgy Engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (1986), and BS in Physics from Huachiao University (1983). He was awarded as the Director’s Funded Post-doctoral Fellow in the Los Alamos National Laboratory before he became a faculty member at TcSUH in May 1996. His research interests have spanned over the areas of multifunctional oxide thin film epitaxy, nanostructure fabrication, surface and interface physics and chemistry, and modeling developments. He has authored and/or coauthored more than 150 refereed papers appeared in Nature, Physical Review Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Nanoletters, and others, and delivered more than 200 plenary/keynote lectures/invited talks at various international/national conferences (MRS, ACerS, MS&T, IMRUS, etc.), universities, and research institutes. He has served as several international advisory board members in various international conferences, chairs and/or co-chairs in various international and national symposiums such as the American Ceramics Society, Materials Science and Engineering, and others. His researches have been supported by NSF-NIRT and CMS programs, Department of Energy, the Texas Advanced Research Program, the State of Texas through the TcSUH, and various government labs, etc.