学术报告201630-比利时皇家科学院院士Gustaaf Van Tendeloo 教授学术报告


报告题目: Advanced Electron Microscopy for Advanced Materials
报告人:     Gustaaf Van Tendeloo 教授(比利时皇家科学院院士)
                 University of Antwerp, Department of Physics, EMAT research group
时间:         20161021日(星期五)下午2:00-3:00
地点:         玉泉校区曹光彪大楼326会议室
邀请人:    田鹤研究员
Gustaaf Van Tendeloo is a full professor in Physics department in University of Antwerp, Belgium, and the director of the EMAT research group. He is a member of the Belgian Academy of Art and Science, and is an ERC Advanced Grant holder. Prof. Van Tendeloo has (co)authored over 1000 research papers, including Science and Nature Materials, etc. He has an H-index of 68 and is involved in a large number of international research projects. His research focuses on the application of advanced electron microscopy to materials science. Particular interest goes to nanomaterials or nanostructured materials, porous materials and carbon-based materials.
In modern electron microscopy, with the introduction of aberration corrected instruments, monochromators, better X-ray and/or electron detectors and in-situ sample holders not only atomic resolution is now becoming more standard, even in 3D [1], but also chemical and even electronic mapping is now possible down to an atomic scale. We will present several examples for this.
For beam sensitive materials or nanomaterials however, life is more complex. Some of these soft matter materials only support a low intensity electron beam for a few seconds, or even less. This makes that not the instrument, but the sample is the limiting factor for imaging. However, using minimum beam current we have been able to image light elements in Li-based batteries [2, 3] or observe the dynamic motion of   Ru-polyoxometalate ions (POMS) on functionalized graphene [4].
We will also present recent in-situ straining work on semiconductor or metalic materials [5].
[1] Van Aert et al. Nature 470, 5655 (2011)
[2] M. Sathiya et al. Nature Materials, 14, 230 (2015)
[3] E. McCalla et al. Science 350, 1516 (2015)
[4] X. Ke et al. Small 9, 3922 (2013)
[5] H. Idrissi et al. (2016)
10 selected high-impact publications... from the past
Electron microscopy on the Tc = 110K (midpoint) phase in the system Bi2O3-SrO-CaO-CuO
H.W. Zandbergen, Y.K. Huang, M.J.V. Menken, J.N. Li, K. Kadowaki, A.A. Menovsky, G. Van Tendeloo, S. Amelinckx
Nature 332 (1988) 620-623.  I.F. = 42.4
Dynamics of a second-order phase transition: P1 to I1 phase transition in anorthite, CaAl2Si2O8
Subrata Ghose, G. Van Tendeloo, S. Amelinckx
Science 242 (1988) 1539-1541.  I.F. = 31.5
A structure and growth mechanism for multishell carbon nanotubes
S. Amelinckx, D. Bernaerts, X.B. Zhang, J. Van Landuyt , G. Van Tendeloo
Science 267 (1995) 1334-1338.  I.F. = 31.5
Doubling the critical temperature of La1.9Sr0.1CuO4 using epitaxial strain
J.-P. Locquet, J. Perret, J. Fompeyrine, E. Mächler, J.W. Seo and G. Van Tendeloo
Nature 394 (1998) 453-456.  I.F. = 42.4
Structural phase transition at the percolation threshold in epitaxial (La0.7Ca0.3MnO3)1-xMgO)x nanocomposite films
V. Moshnyaga, B. Damaschke, O. Shapoval, A. Belenchuk, J. Faupel, O.I. Lebedev, J. Verbeeck, G. Van Tendeloo, M. Mücksch, V. Tsurkan, R. Tidecks, K. Samwer
Nature Materials 2 (2003) 4-9.  I.F. = 36.4
Structure and microstructure of colossal magnetoresistant materials
G. Van Tendeloo, O.I. Lebedev, M. Hervieu, B. Raveau
Reports on Progress in Physics 67 (2004) 1315
Electronically coupled complementary interfaces between perovskite band insulators
M. Huijben, G. Rijnders. D. Blank, S. Bals, S. Van Aert, J. Verbeeck,
G. Van Tendeloo, A. Brinkman, H.Hilgenkamp
Nature Materials
5 (2006) 556-560.  I.F. = 36.4
Classification and control of the origin of photoluminescence from Si nanocrystals
S. Godefroo, M. Hayne, M. Jivanescu, A. Stesmans, M. Zacharias, O.I. Lebedev,
G. Van Tendeloo, V.V. Moshchalkov
Nature Nanotechnology 
3 (2008) 174-178.  I.F. = 33.3
Three-dimensional atomic imaging of crystalline nanoparticles
S. Van Aert, K.J. Batenburg, M.D. Rossell, R. Erni, 
G. Van Tendeloo
470 (2011) 374-377.  I.F. = 42.4
Advanced electron microscopy for advanced materials
G. Van Tendeloo, S. Bals, S. Van Aert, J. Verbeeck, D. Van Dyck
Advanced Materials 
24 (2012) 5655-5675.  I.F. = 15.4
10 selected high-impact publications … from the present
Atomic scale dynamics of ultra-small Ge clusters    
S. Bals, S. Van Aert, C.P. Romero, K. Lauwaet, M.J. Van Bael, B. Schoeters, B. Partoens, E. Yucelen, P. Lievens,
G. Van Tendeloo
Nature Communications  
3 (2012) 897, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1887.  I.F. = 10.7
Atomic-scale determination of surface facets in gold nanorods
B. Goris, S. Bals, W. Van den Broek, E. Carbo-Argibay, S. Gomez-Grana, M. Liz-Marzan,
G. Van Tendeloo
Nature Materials
11 (2012) 930-935.  I.F. = 36.4
Design of zeolite by inverse sigma transformation
E. Verheyen, L. Joos, K. Van Havenbergh, E. Breynaert, N. Kasian, E. Gobechiya, K. Houthoofd, C. Martineau, M. Hinterstein, F. Taulelle, V. Van Speybroeck, M. Waroquier, S. Bals, 
G. Van Tendeloo, E.A. Kirchhock, J.A. Martens
Nature Materials
11 (2012) 1059-1064.  I.F. = 36.4
Nanoscale phase separation in perovskites revisited
E. Erni, A.M. Abakumov, M.D. Rossell, D. Batuk, A.A. Tsirlin, G. Nenert,
G. Van Tendeloo
Nature Materials
13 (2014) 216-217.  I.F. = 36.4
Magnetic monopole field exposed by electrons
A. Beche, R. Van Boxem,
G. Van Tendeloo, J. Verbeeck
Nature Physics
10 (2014) 26-20.  I.F. = 20.7
Long-Range Orientation and Atomic Attachment of Nanocrystals in 2D Honeycomb Superlattices
M.P. Boneschanscher, W.H. Evers, J.J. Geuchies, T. Altantzis, B. Goris, F.T. Rabouw, S.A.P. van Rossum, H.S.J. van der Zant, L.D.A. Siebbeles,
G. Van Tendeloo, I. Swart, J. Hilhorst, A. Pethukov, S. Bals, D. Vanmaekelbergh
344 (2014) 1377-1380.  I.F. = 31.5
Origin of voltage decay in high capacity layered oxide electrodes
M. Sathiya, A.M. Abakumov, D. Foix, G. Rousse, K. Ramesha, D. Gonbeau, M. Saubanère, M.L. Doublet, H. Vizin, C.P. Laisa, A.S. Prakash,
G. Van Tendeloo, J.-M. Tarascon
Nature Materials
14 (2015) 230-238, DOI: 10.1038/NMAT4137.  I.F. = 36.4
Visualization of O-O peroxo-like dimers in high-capacity layered oxides for Li-ion batteries
E. McCalla, A.M. Abakumov, M. Saubanere, D. Foix, E.J. Berg, G. Rousse, M.L. Doublet, D. Gonbeau, P. Novak, G. Van Tendeloo, J.M. Tarascon
Science 350 (2015) 1516-1521      I.F. = 31.5
Extreme mobility enhancement of two-dimensional electron gases at oxide interfaces by charge-transfer-induced modulation doping
Y.Z. Chen, F. Trier, T. Wijnands, R.J. Green, N. Gauquelin, R. Egoavil, D.V. Christensen, G. Koster, M. Huijben, N. Bovet, , S. Macke, F. He, R. Sutarto, N.H. Andersen, S.A. Sulpizio, M. Honig, G.E.D.K. Prawiroatmodjo, T.S. Jespersen, S. Linderoth, S. Ilani, J. Verbeeck, G. Van Tendeloo, G. Rijnders, G.A. Sawatzky, N. Pryds
Nature Materials, 14 (2015) 801-806     I.F. = 36.4
Controlled lateral anisotropy in correlated manganite heterostructures by interface-engineered oxygen octahedral coupling
Z. Liao, M. Huijben, Z. Zhong, N. Gauquelin, S. Macke, R.J. Green, S. Van Aert, J. Verbeeck, G. Van Tendeloo, K. Held, G.A. Sawatzky, G. Koster, G. Rijnders
Nature Materials 15 (2016) 425-431.    I.F. = 36.4