
发布者:系统管理员审核:yjsh 作者:杨梦雅 摄影:杨梦雅终审:发布时间:2019-04-04浏览次数:824

        201941日,南方科技大学教授夏钶教授受杨德仁院士邀请开展了主题为Spintronic realization of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) & Cavity  Spintronics的报告会。会上,夏钶教授介绍了具有磁隧道结的RNN的理论实现(用作自旋转移 - 扭矩磁随机存取存储器的基本单元)。并介绍通过执行微磁仿真,证明了由少至40MTJ组成的RNN可以在有效的训练过程之后生成和识别顺序信号。通过增加MTJ的数量可以显着改善网络的能力。此外,夏钶教授提出了一种通过引入额外的相位控制场来驱动磁化的系统,并提出了在磁振子极化子中热诱导可以产生单色微波辐射。





Ke Xia received his PhD in Physics at Nanjing University in 1997. He then joined the University of Twente and the Technical University of Delft as a postdoctoral researcher focusing on the ab initio calculation of magnetoelectronics. In 2002, he joined the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences under the 100 Talents Program granted by the CAS. He received the NSFC  for Distinguished Young Scholars granted by the NSFC in 2008. He became a Professor of physics at Beijing Normal University. Since 2018, he has been a Professor of Physics at SUSTech at Sehzhen.